BreethEez – Myanimal



BreethEez is the best supportive during respiratory diseases and favours faster recovery. BreethEez is a formulation containing natural Bio-active compounds of essential oils for beneficial effects in the respiratory system of birds and animals.

Estimated Delivery Date: February 14, 2025

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BreethEez is the best supportive during respiratory diseases and favours faster recovery. BreethEez is a formulation containing natural Bio-active compounds of essential oils for beneficial effects in the respiratory system of birds and animals.

Respiratory signs are common in many poultry diseases and have been the result of a disease or predisposing factors for infections.

Diseases affecting respiratory System
Ranikhet / Newcastle disease (RD/ND)
Avian Influenza (AI)
Infectious Bronchitis (IB)
Infectious LaryngoTracheitis(ILT)
Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)
Infectious Coryza (IC)
Fowl Cholera

Poor Feed intake
Lowered Disease Resistance
Poor Production Performance
Incomplete recovering

Reduces stress and improves feed intake
Reduces the negative effects of respiratory diseases & favours faster recovery
Improves breathing, air passage and respiration.
Reduces excess mucus secretion & accumulation in respiratory system.
Improves resistance to all respiratory infections.
Reduces the negative effects and stress due to live vaccination.

To ease breathing and control respiratory signs in diseases involving Respiratory system
For improved immunity
To overcome post vaccination reaction in poultry
As a supportive to avoid sneezing, coughing and laboured breathing in infectious/non-infectious conditions

Provides Menthol, Menthone, Menthyl acetate, Menthofuran,1,8-cineol, Limonene, Pulegone, Caryophyllene, Pinene, a-phellandrene, Terpinen-4-ol, Aromadendrene, Epiglobulol, Piperitone, Globulol derived from essential oils of Eucalyptus, Menthol, Peppermint, Glycyrrhizaglabra, Adhatodavasica

Essential oil compounds are also known for their positive effects in the digestive system of poultry. In order to use them for their positive effects in different respiratory conditions, it is important that the essential oils reach the respiratory tissues.

There are mainly two ways by which BreethEez reaches the respiratory system:
Following administration through drinking water, BreethEez is absorbed in the digestive system and reaches the respiratory system.
When BreethEez is sprayed into the environment of the farm, reaches the respiratory system through bird’s respiration.

Direction for use:
General Prevention:
2 ml per 10 Litres of Drinking water consumed in 12 hours. Administered Twice in a week.

Against Respiratory problems at the end of the production cycle: 2 ml per 10 Litres of Drinking water consumed in 12 hours. Administered for 3 days.

To overcome Post Vaccination Reactions:
2 ml per 10 Litre of Drinking water consumed in 12 hours, for 2-3 days.

Aerial spray For quick relief of respiratory symptoms:
100 ml diluted in 5 Litres water is sprayed in a shed of 10,000 birds.
Spraying is done twice in a week or whenever required.
Or as advised by consultant veterinarian.

Precautions: NA


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