Himmvac Dalguban N plus live Vaccine
This product is freeze dried live vaccine of Newcastle disease virus including NDV genotype VII (KBNP-C4152R2L strain) used high technology, recommended for vaccination of healthy chicken against Newcastle disease.
Estimated Delivery Date: February 14, 2025
This product is freeze dried live vaccine of Newcastle disease virus including NDV genotype VII (KBNP-C4152R2L strain) used high technology, recommended for vaccination of healthy chicken against Newcastle disease.
It contains freeze-dried live Newcastle disease virus genotype VII (KBNP-C4152R2L strain).
For vaccination of healthy chickens, as an aid in the preventing of Newcastle disease.
Dosage and Direction for Use:
Vaccinate chicks at one-day old and booster at 14 days old using any of the following methods of administration.
Do not open and mix the vaccine until ready to begin vaccination. Use vaccine immediately after mixing.
A. Spray method:
1. Adjust the nozzle to have the uniform particles (Appx. 60–115 microns) sprayed.
2. Spray directly at 50-70 cm height above the heads of chicken flocks.
3. Turn the hot air blower or ventilating fan off during the spray operation in order to interrupt the air flow as much as possible by closing the chicken house down.
4. Use the Automatic Spraying Device following the instructions of corresponding Operation Manual:
B. Intraocular inoculation:
1. Intraocular inoculation is the most effective method.
2. Tear off the aluminium cap from the vial containing the dried vaccine.
3. Lift off the rubber stopper.
4. Pour a small amount of diluents into the vial of dried vaccine.
5. Put the rubber stopper and shake well.
6. Pour the party dissolved vaccine into the diluents bottle containing the rest of diluents.
(If vaccine is 1,000 doses per vial, it was dissolved in 30ml diluents finally).
7. Inoculate one drop of liquid (0.03ml made with vaccine provision for 1,000 chickens as dissolved in 30ml diluted solution on an eye of each chicken using the eyedropper.
8. Fix one eye (or nose) of chicken horizontally and execute vaccination injection one drop exactly on eye.
9. When executing the intranasal vaccination, cover one nose and release the chicken after complete inhalation of vaccine into the nose.
C. Drinking water method:
1. Tear off the aluminium cap from the vial containing the dried vaccine.
2. Lift off the rubber stopper.
3. Carefully pour clean, cool, non-chlorinated water into the vaccine vial until the vial is approximately two-thirds full.
4. Put the rubber stopper and shake vigorously until all material is dissolved.
5. Add rehydrated the vaccine to clean, cool, non-chlorinated water and mix in accordance with the following chart.
6. Distribute the vaccine solution, as prepared above, among the waterers provide for the chickens. Avoid placing waterers in direct sunlight.
7. Provide no other drinking water until all the vaccine treated water has been consumed.
Make sure the vaccines to be completely dosed within 1–2 hours, stopping water supply for about 2 hours prior to the vaccination. Provide enough watering space so that at least two-thirds of the total chicken flocks can drink at one time.
8. Scrub waterers thoroughly and rinse with fresh clean water.
9. Add powdered skim milk by 0.3-0.5 % as a demulcent to enhance the vaccination effect.
10. Do not use any sterilizer, detergent, sanitizers and all medication from drinking water, preferably 72 hours before vaccination and 24 hours following vaccination.
· Store at 2 to 8℃ and protect from light.
· Vaccinate only healthy chickens.
· Keep out of the children.
· Use by veterinarian’s instruction, and veterinary use only.
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