ToniLiv Liquid – Myanimal

ToniLiv Liquid


ToniLiv Liquid is a comprehensive formulation contains hepatoprotective agents, liver stimulants, metabolic regulators, growth promoters, immunostimulants and appetite stimulants

Estimated Delivery Date: February 14, 2025

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ToniLiv Liquid is a comprehensive formulation contains hepatoprotective agents, liver stimulants, metabolic regulators, growth promoters, immunostimulants and appetite stimulants

ToniLiv Liquid contains Tricholine citrate, Protein Hydrolysate, Vitamin B12, Inositol, Methyl donors, Selenium, Vitamin-E, Biotin, Copper, Iron with herbal liver stimulants.

To stimulate and optimizes affected liver functions.
To restore reduced feed intake due to conditions like hot weather, debeaking, vaccination, shifting, deworming
Convalescence after disease, etc.
To optimize the utilization of feed ingredients and to stimulate digestion.
To improves FCR, growth, weight gain and egg production.

Layers: 10 ml / 100 birds for 7 days as week a month programme
Broilers: 10 ml / 100 birds for 2 days in a week from 3rd week
Breeders: 25 ml / 100 birds
Metabolic disorders: 20-30 ml / 100 birds for 5-7days

Higher dosage may be used based on the need or as advised by Poultry Consultant.

Directions for Use: Use as prescribed by the doctor.

Precautions: NA


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