"The total cost under this has been fixed at approximately Rs 66,000.
Out of which the beneficiary farmer will have to pay only Rs 6,600 to the government."
The plan to implant the embryo of good cows in the womb of other cows will now move out of the research centre and reach the farmers and livestock farmers. The Central Research Institute is preparing a plan to take this program on the ground. For the last two years, the scientists of the institute, who have been involved in the embryo transplant process, have improved this work more than before.
25% subsidy after all infra in place along with induction of animals 25% subsidy after 10% calves born. Release of 50% subsidy after release of 1st tranche of loan
Department of Animal Husbandry (DAHD), under Rashtryia Gokul Mission scheme of Govt. of India has approved a project to facilitate establishment of Breed Multiplication Farms (BMF) for making available High Genetic Merit heifers of cattle and buffaloes breeds to farmers. DAHD will provide 50% capital subsidy (limited to Rs. 2.00 Crore) to the interested entrepreneur for construction of cattle sheds, equipment, procurement of elite bull mothers etc. The entrepreneur will establish breed multiplication farm (BMF) and produce elite heifers using sexed semen or IVF technology. Interested entrepreneur may submit Expression of Interest for this scheme here.
The scheme envisages a subsidy of up to 75% of the cost of cowshed installation, purchase of cattle and farming management. The subsidy will be offered on purchase of Sahiwal, Gyr and Tharparkar breed of cows in the units of two, four, 15 and 20 cows.
Classical Swine Fever is a highly contagious and economically significant viral disease of pigs. The severity of the illness varies with the strain of the virus, the age of the pig, and the immune status of the herd. Acute infections, which are caused by highly virulent isolates and have a high mortality rate in naive herds, are more likely to be diagnosed rapidly. CSF- CP will be implemented in the whole country with the target being 100% eligible pig population Funding Pattern – 100% central assistance to States/UTs.
Backended subsidy of 33% to farmers belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and 25% to other small and marginal farmers will be provided to establish cattle, sheep, goat, pig, poultry units in availing maximum loan of Rs.1.20 lakh from commercial banks (The subsidy to SC/ST has been revised from 33% to 50% vide
The Scheme envisages providing loan assistance to State Dairy Federations, District Milk Unions, Milk Producers Companies, Multi State Cooperatives and NDDB subsidiaries across the country who are termed as Eligible End Borrowers (EEBs).cheme which has the objective to provide subsidized loan @6.5%
Under the scheme, subsidy to the tune of 50% of the unit cost on livestock purchase (Livestock component only) will be provided after the establishment of livestock units. The subsidy will be provided three months after teh purchase of livestock or disbursement of Loan by bank, whichever is later and subjeet to verification of unit by concerned veterinary surgeon. Unit should be finance through loan from the bank/financial institutions. This subsidy would be rovided in the loan account of the beneficiary.
The motive of this Yojna is to be opened Nandi gaushala in every district for stray or abandoned oxen/male cows. So, for this purpose, the Nandishala Jan Sahayak Yojana has also started where there is a rule of giving funds Rs. 50 Lakhs for construction and maintenance. A part of this provision of assistance has been made for 06 months in a year to maintain Nandi’s residing in Nandi Gaushala.
In order to help states, establish new veterinary hospitals and dispensaries as well as strengthen/equip the existing ones including running mobile veterinary ambulances, the Department provides financial assistance under this component.
Animal husbandry plays a pivotal role in generating income for the agricultural sector, which is the backbone of Indian economy. In an attempt to enhance milk production in the State and make dairy farming more profitable, the Government of Haryana has proposed to set up hi-tech dairy units in all districts of the State. The scheme for the establishment of hi-tech and mini dairy units will lend out a support to the dairy farmers to substitute the traditional dairying methods with the modern ones thereby enabling them to attain maximum yield.
Under this scheme, the Maharashtra government provides financial assistance to farmers for the purchase of goats. This support enables farmers to procure quality breeding stock and improve the genetic potential of their herds. By facilitating access to superior breeds, the government aims to enhance productivity and profitability in the goat farming sector.
Loan from banks with refinance facility from NABARD is available for starting sheep farming. For obtaining bank loan, the farmers should apply to the nearest branch of a Commercial, Co-operative, Regional Rural Bank or small finance bank, in their area in the prescribed application form which is available in the branches of financing bank.
Financial assistance is given for construction and maintenance of animal shelters and water troughs, purchase of veterinary medicines and equipment, providing Gaushalas and AWOs with animal ambulances, facilitating the implementation of animal birth control programmes for controlling rabies and population of stray dogs, and rescue and relief grants to animals affected by natural calamities.
A meeting to review the fodder situation in the country was held on November 6, under the chairmanship of Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, with the state governments/ stakeholders.
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