Government Assistance – Page 4 – Myanimal
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Showing 49–64 of 114 results

  • Maharashtra Mahamesh Yojana

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    The Maharashtra State Government has initiated the “Mahamesh Yojana” to provide the business of sheep farming in the state. Under this scheme, a 75% subsidy will be granted to people as fodder and 50% subsidy on machinery for making bales of Feeds and Feeds Mills.
  • Maharashtra Sheep and Goat Development Scheme (MSGDS)

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    Maharashtra Sheep and Goat Development Scheme (MSGDS) is a flagship program launched by the state government to promote scientific and sustainable goat farming practices. Under this scheme, the government provides financial assistance and technical guidance to eligible farmers for setting up and managing goat farms. The key objectives of MSGDS include
  • Families belonging to BPL of Scheduled Caste category rearing Desi/Indigenous cows or buffaloes will be provided a balanced ration @ 3kg/day/cow or buffalo for a maximum of two animals for three months during the last trimester of pregnancy at 50% subsidy.
  • Maintenance of Pregnant Desi/Indigenous Cow/Buffalo Ration Scheme

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    Families belonging to BPL of Scheduled Caste category rearing Desi/Indigenous cows or buffaloes will be provided a balanced ration @ 3kg/day/cow or buffalo for a maximum of two animals for three months during the last trimester of pregnancy at 50% subsidy.
  • Maintenance Of Pregnant Desi/Indigenous Cows Ration For BPL Families

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    "Improved cow health: A balanced and nutritious diet for pregnant cows can improve their health and reduce the risk of health complications during and after pregnancy. Improved calf growth and development: A well-fed pregnant cow can provide better nutrition to the growing calf, leading to better growth and development."
  • Mass Vaccination Against FMD

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    Vaccinating the entire susceptible population of bovines, small ruminants (sheep and goats) and pigs at six-monthly intervals
  • Mass Vaccination against FMD

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    Vaccinating the entire susceptible population of bovines, small ruminants (sheep and goats) and pigs at six-monthly intervals
  • Mudra Loans under PMMY for Goat Farming

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    As goat farming falls under the farming sector, therefore loans for goat farming shall not be provided by banks under the Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA) loan scheme launched under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY). Mudra with the help of banks offers loans of the amount up to Rs. 10 lakhs to individuals and enterprises engaged in the non-farming sector income-generating activities in the services and manufacturing sectors. There is no collateral/security required by the bank/lender and the loan amount can be repaid within 5 years, with nil to nominal processing fees. However, the state and central governments have launched various loan schemes and subsidies to promote goat farming.
  • Mukhya Mantri Bhed Palak Uthan Yojana

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    The Government of Haryana has proposed the Mukhya Mantri Bhed Palak Uthan Yojana for providing self-employment in Animal Husbandry and Dairying sector. Under this scheme, financial assistance to the unemployed persons would be provided for establishing sheep and goats in the State of Haryana. This article explains about the Mukhya Mantri Bhed Palak Uthan Yojana in detail.
  • This scheme has been modified in the year 2019-20 from the previously launched scheme where there is a provision to provide 50% subsidy on the unit cost to the beneficiaries with the objectives for the promotion of stall feeding of sheep & goats in the State as the grazing land is decreasing and multiple cropping is increasing.
  • Mukhyamantri krushi Udyog Yojana

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    The state government has introduced several subsidy schemes to encourage and support the goat farming industry in Odisha. One scheme is the Mukhyamantri krushi Udyog Yojana, which provides a 50% subsidy for setting up a new goat farm. Additionally, under this scheme, farmers can avail hemselves fo loans at subsidized rates for buying goats adn other necessary equipment.
  • NABARD Scheme 2022

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    Under the scheme, each eligible farmer will be provided with a subsidy of up to ₹2 lakhs for the purchase of two dairy cows or buffaloes. In addition, a subsidy of ₹1 lakh will be provided for the construction of a shed and other infrastructure, and ₹50,000 for training.
  • National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP)

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    National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) is a flagship scheme launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister in September, 2019 for control of Foot & Mouth Disease and Brucellosis by vaccinating 100% cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and pig population for FMD and 100% bovine female calves of 4-8 months of age for brucellosis with the total outlay of Rs.13, 343.00 crore for five years
  • National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP)

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    Identification of target animals by ear-tagging, registration and uploading the data in the animal health module of Information Network for Animal Productivity and Health (INAPH)
  • National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP)

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    National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) is a flagship scheme launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister in September, 2019 for control of Foot & Mouth Disease and Brucellosis by vaccinating 100% cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and pig population for FMD and 100% bovine female calves of 4-8 months of age for brucellosis with the total outlay of Rs.13, 343.00 crore for five years
  • National Dairy Plan Phase(Productivity Enhancement)

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    This component aims at increasing bovine productivity through a scientific approach to animal breeding and nutrition. The main expected results from the interventions proposed under Component A are increased milk production through increased productivity per milk animal, increase in in-milk animals, improved AI conception rates, improved animal nutrition, reduction in feeding costs per Kg of milk produced and reduction in methane release per Kg of milk produced by animals covered under Ration Balancing Program (RBP).
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