The scheme is also continued under umbrella scheme Rashtriya Pashudhan Vikas Yojna from 2021 to 2026 with a budget outlay of Rs.2400 crore. The RGM will result in enhanced productivity and benefit of the programme, percolating to all cattle and buffaloes of India especially with small and marginal farmers.accelerated breed improvement programme under the component subsidy of Rs 5000 per IVF pregnancy will be made available to participating farmers as GoI share
The subsidy of Rs.15,000 shall be released to the farmers on completion and verification of work by the local Veterinary Officers/Assistant Directors and Head Office.
• Surface disinfections 7 m l per liter 300 ml. of dilute solution per sq. meter area
• Fogging 7 ml per liter 1 liter of dilute solution per 100 cubic meter
• Foot dip / wheel wash 10 ml per liter Replace twice a week
Under this scheme 4 pigs, 3 female and 1 male piglets will be distributed to the farmers to promote pig breeding to provide regular income to the farmers. This livestock package is Rs 25,000 per beneficiary.
Under this scheme 4 pigs, 3 female and 1 male piglets will be distributed to the farmers to promote pig breeding to provide regular income to the farmers. This livestock package is Rs 25,000 per beneficiary.
The State has the repository of the best genetic resources of Murrah buffaloes not only in the country but also in the world. Other than the trading in milk and its products, Haryana State has since long been the prime source of Murrah buffaloes for the rest of India and abroad. This thriving trade in animals has not only been the source of livelihood to many but also provides the driving force behind the traditional breeding and development of these animals in Haryana.
It is a new scheme being included in the Annual Plan of the department to provide Grant-in-aid to the societies for prevention of cruelty to animals. The Government of Haryana under the provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 (59 of 1960) have declared 45 Veterinary Institutions/Government veterinary hospitals of the State Government to be infirmaries under the provisions of the said Act for the treatment and care of animals in respect of which offenses against this Act have been committed and may authorize the detention therein of any animal pending its
This scheme has been formulated as an SCSP scheme for the benefit and welfare of the scheduled caste families engaged in the rearing of livestock. The free insurance coverage is being provided to all the heifer, Dairy units of milch animals, piggery units and sheep units owned by the Scheduled castes beneficiaries.
The beneficiary can purchase 1 to 20 Milch animals (Any dairy animal cow & buffalo) at a subsidized rate as per their need and capacity to maintain.The beneficiary can get an interest subsidy up to a maximum of 12% on the unit cost of the animal or the unit loan advanced by the bank for the purchase of the animal, whichever is lower, will be available for a period of five years.
"Access to superior breed rams: The scheme provides access to high-quality rams of superior breeds such as Merino, Rambouillet, and Hampshire, which can improve the genetic potential of the sheep population and enhance their productivity.
Affordable rates: The rams are provided at subsidized rates, which makes them more affordable for sheep breeders who may not have the financial resources to purchase them at market rates."
Central Government provides 50% capital subsidy (maximum up to Rs. 50 Lac) to the beneficiaries of setting up of feed/fodder value addition unit for Hay/Silage/ Total Mixed Ration (TMR) TM preparation, Fodder block making or storage facilities for fodder.
Towards setting up a breed multiplication farm, the schemes of Rashtriya Gokul Mission and the AHIDF may be leveraged. While the Rashtriya Gokul Mission allows a capex subsidy of upto 50% of project cost, the AHIDF offers Interest subvention up to 3%. Thus, the initial project cost of Rs 4 crores becomes Rs 2 crores leveraging Rashtriya Gokul Mission, the investor can seek a loan on the remaining project cost and receive a 3% Interest subvention on the remaining amount.
The typical cost for setting up a 100‐sows and 10 boar piggery unit around Rs 60 lacs. There are various schemes available for FPOs / Cooperatives, SHGs and Individual entrepreneurs which may be leveraged for the same.Thus, the initial project cost of Rs 60 lakhs becomes Rs 30 lakhs leveraging NLM, the investor can seek a loan on the remaining project cost and receive a 3% Interest subvention on the remaining amount. All the animals shall be insured by using State AHD schemes, which provides subsidy.
Towards setting up a Goat or Sheep farm, the schemes of NLM and the AHIDF may be leveraged.
While the NLM allows a capex subsidy of upto 50% of project cost, the AHIDF offers Interest subvention upto 3%.
Thus, the initial project cost of Rs 1 crore becomes Rs 50 lakhs leveraging NLM, the investor can seek a loan on the remaining project cost and receive a 3% Interest subvention on the remaining amount.
Under the scheme, subsidy to the tune of 90% of unit cost on livestock purchase (Livestock component only) will be provided after establishment of livestock units. The subsidy wil be provided three months after the purchase of livestock or disbursement of Loan by bank, whiehever is later and subject to verification of unit by concerned veterinary surgeon. Unit should be financed through loan from the bank/ financial institutions. The subsidy would be provided in the loan account of the beneficiary.
"Sheep health coverage is being carried out through Karnataka Sheep and Wool Development Corporation and also supplying anti-parasite drugs to Sheep and Goats free of costPlanned to form one Sheep Rearers Co-operative Society for every 25000 Sheep
population. Rs. 25000/- share capital will be provided to the best working societies
on the basis of annual performance. "
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