The Indian government’s National Livestock Mission (NLM) is helping entrepreneurs take up activities in animal feed and fodder by providing a capital subsidy of up to 50% (limited to Rs 50 lakh) of the total project cost, quality and nutritious fodder locally.
Foot and Mouth disease of cloven footed animals (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat etc) is a serious problem for farmers as this disease is responsible for huge economic loss for them. The disease is characterized by development of vesicles in foot, mouth, udder etc.For prevention of the economic losses due to FMD and to develop herd immunity the program of controlling the disease is implemented in all the states of India. In Assam it is now implemented in 15 districts and will be expanded to cover entire state.
Grant is also being provided for the construction of cow shed. Also, the state government is going to spend Rs 1 crore 57 lakh on the construction of a Nandishala in the state. The government is giving 90 percent subsidy on the cost of Nandi Shala. Under these schemes, the state government will spend Rs 328 crore as grant to open new cowsheds.
In this government scheme, the government supports infrastructure development in the state-registered Gaushala. It is a separate scheme that the state government must approve to provide financial and infrastructural assistance also.Under this scheme, a government-sanctioned maximum of Rs. 10 Lakh for the Gaushala construction work but a 10% contribution will be contributed by Gaushalas.
With the NABARD scheme, individuals belonging to the SC/ST and below the poverty line can get a subsidy of up to 33% on a goat farming loan. People belonging to the OBC and general category can avail a subsidy of up to 25% on a loan of up to ₹ 2.5 Lakhs.
Under the Bihar Bakri palan yojana scheme, the loan amount will be provided to the beneficiary in 2 instalments. The Bihar Bakri Palan Yojana Scheme will provide up to 50% of the grant to the general class beneficiaries and 60% grant will be provided to the Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe beneficiaries. The beneficiaries will be provided financial aid of up to Rs 2.45 lakh under the Bihar Bakri Palan Yojana Scheme. The subsidy will be provided by the state Government of Bihar for 5 years to run their respective goat farms.
Cow dung and buffalo cattle breeders will be purchased by the government at the rate of Rs.2/- per kg.To increase the income of cattle herders.Prohibition on open grazing of livestock.Creation of new employment opportunities.Promotion of cow rearing and cow protection.
The main objectives of running the Central Scheme/cow protection by the institutions and providing grant amount to registered gaushalas, prevention of animal cruelty and illegal cattle smuggling are the main objectives. Grants-in-aid are given from the Government level to various Government institutions operating under the Directorate of Animal Husbandry for conducting the activities. As in the previous years, in the financial year 2022-23 also, various State level organizations and institutions are to be provided under grants for carrying out regular activities.
"Under this scheme, a group of 10 goats and 1 buck are provided to tribal beneficiaries on 50 percent subsidy. The price of the group is decided according to the prevailing rates of NABARD.
Supply of goat Units:- Under this scheme To increase the income source
& to create employment in tribal areas to farmers/ beneficiaries. The goat
units are provided to them. In year 2018-19 under this scheme total
allocation of Rs. 369.22 lakhs has been proposed."
"The main objectives of the scheme is To facilitate the farmers in Goa to construct their own pucca cattle shed with bank finance and Government subsidy
To assist farmers in extension of pucca cattle shed."
"Participatory Mode: Selected beneficiaries shall be provided 10 ewes free of cost and from 3rd year onwards 2 ewes/does shall be retrieved for the next 5 years.
Subsidy Mode: Selected beneficiaries shall be entitled to a 50% subsidy for the establishment of sheep/goat units of 20-200 ewes/does.
Shearing Units: Selected beneficiaries shall be entitled to a 50 % subsidy for the purchase of a shearing unit consisting of a shearing machine, Genset & shearing spares."
"The total cost of 2 goats under this scheme is Rs 21,088, out of which the government subsidy is 60 per cent Rs 13,888
and the beneficiary's share is 40 per cent Rs 7200.
Similarly, the total cost of 4 goats is Rs.34,356. Out of which 23,156 rupees will be received as subsidy from the government and the beneficiary's
share is 11 thousand 200 rupees which is 40 percent while the total cost of 10 goats is 72 thousand 160 rupees.
Out of this, the government grant is Rs 48,960 and the beneficiary's share is Rs 23,200."
Rural areas of the country providing supplementary income to most of the families dependent on agriculture. Animal Husbandry and Dairying programes have attained considerable importance in various five year plans and various schemes/ projects have been taken up by the States and the centre for the development of this sector.
The overall aim of the Livestock Health & Disease Control scheme is to improve the animal health sector by way of implementation of prophylactic vaccination programmes against various diseases of livestock and poultry, capacity building, disease surveillance and strengthening of veterinary infrastructure. The funding pattern is 100% central assistance for the CADCP and the non-recurring components of ESVHD, and 60:40 between Central and State for the other components as well as for ASCAD, with 90:10 for hilly and NE States and 100% for UTs.
Government of Maharashtra(India). Purpose of this scheme is to promote small Goat Farming among.It has a backend subsidy 50% for General and 75% for scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. Implementing office is District Deputy Commissioner Animal Husbandry. Selection is done by a Committee under the chairmanship of the Collector."
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